The attributes

Change embeds properties using shortcode attributes.

On all Embeds you can use this attributes:

width: can be any length like 100%, 250px, 23vw

To force the embed to be a custom embed or social plugin you can use the attribute:

social_plugin: can be true or false

On all custom embeds you can use the attribute:

theme: can be default, classic, elegant

When embedding a Fan Page using custom embeds you can set the number of posts you want it to show using the attribute:

posts: number of latest post to show

When embedding an Album you can set the number of photos you want it to show using the attribute:

photos: number of latest photos to show

You can set the default value for all of this options in settings. For example to embed by default all fan pages as custom embeds edit this option:

Shortcode Examples

Fan Page:

[embedfb social_plugin=false theme=elegant posts=10 with=100% ]


[embedfb theme=classic with=200px photos=10 ]


[embedfb theme=default with=25% ]


[embedfb social_plugin=false theme=elegant]

See all custom embeds examples here.

Social Plugins Shortcode

You can add any social plugin from Facebook using the shortcode [fb_plugin type ...attributes]

type: like,send,share,save,comments,quote,page,post,video,group,comment

To know what options you have availabe on each shortcode type use the attribute help=1

For example

  • Like button [fb_plugin like help=1]
  • Fan page with latest posts [fb_plugin page href= tabs=posts]

Find more examples on this inside the plugin settings and see all of them in action here

Getting the URL for the FB element

If you need to get the URL for an album, post, page or any other type of publication simply right click on the published date link and copy it.

We’ll continue developing new features for you to enjoy and get your job done.

Don’t forget to rate the plugin and have fun in life.