Magic Embeds
Seamless social integration

Embed any public album from Facebook just by pasting the url on the editor. Unlimited photos now available for free.
Embed any public post published by a Fan page or user, using the official Facebook post embed or a custom embed

With the embedded video player you can easily add Facebook videos and Facebook live streams to your website. You can use any public video post by a Page or person.

Embed the upcoming events of your facebook fanpage or unleash all the power of WP Embed Facebook and embed single events with the Extended embeds Add-on

Replace WordPress comments with the Facebook comment moderation system.
Embed a single comment by a page or a person and let your visitors comment the contents of your site by using the comments plugin.

The Page plugin lets you easily embed and promote any Facebook Page on your website. Just like on Facebook, your visitors can like, share and send messages to the Page without leaving your site.
Because this plugin uses Facebook API its functionality could change at any moment we encourage you to help us make this tool better

Extended Embeds Add-On
Improve your storytelling- Install it on all the sites you want
- Embed events you are invited to
- Embed your fan page next events
- Automatically update
Facebook cache of your shared posts - Embed your fan page posts, albums, and events
- Make your life easier using the ShortCode creator Widget
An easy to use plugin to embed your Facebook content
I was searching for a plugin to embed my Facebook content in my blog and this was the easiest way to do it.
Just wanted to embed a post, FB developer tools are ok, but if you want to do it in seconds…just install this plugin…
Amazing plugin! Recommend!
Worked perfectly as I needed. I was looking for Facebook videos embed plugin which runs Facebook videos as responsive. This plugin does it perfectly.